Successes of geodesy and geoinformatics students at regional conferences
RGSM Banja Luka 2024.
Students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences participated in the 11th Regional Geodesy Student Meeting (RGSM – Regional Geodesy Student Meeting), which was held in Banja Luka from March 27 to 29, 2024. Twelve students of our Faculty were among 155 participants from a total of six countries.
The first day of the meeting was marked by an introduction to the city and a ceremonial opening at the University of Banja Luka. The next day was filled with lectures on Geospatial technologies and artificial intelligence held by Assoc. PhD Gordana Jakovljević and about Tunneling in geodesy presented by B.Sc. Eng. geod. Konstantin Lukić.

As for science competition, the students of our Faculty achieved extraordinary success and won first place. Our Faculty was excellently represented by Dušan Labudović from the third year and Nebojša Popović and Ognjen Kilibarda from the fourth year and showed phenomenal knowledge. The third day was marked by a panel discussion on the importance of women in geodesy, the differences in salaries between the sexes, and the readiness of students to enter the business world after completing their studies. The representatives of all faculties were presented with certificates and that marked the end of the event. The certificate for the participation of our Faculty was received by the representative of geodesy and geoinformatics students, Nikola Vujičić. The event will be held next year in Novi Sad, organized by students of our faculty.
Građevinijada Trebinje 2024.
In the City of the Sun, Trebinje, in the period from May 20 to 24 this year, the 50th and most numerous “Građevinijada” organized by students of our Faculty was held. Over 1300 students from 8 countries gathered in Trebinje. This year’s conference surpassed all previous editions, both in terms of the number of participants and the quality of organization and content. The students of geodesy and geoinformatics who participated in the organization of the event and presented our Faculty in an excellent way are: Luka Frančina, Milan Knežević and Dušan Labudović from the third year, Denis Emić, Ognjen Kilibarda, Nebojša Popović and Nikola Vujičić from the fourth year and Žarko Nedeljkov who is attending master’s studies.

It is important to note that due to the propositions of the competition, student organizers could not participate in science competitions, but there is no doubt that they would have continued the series of successes of students of geodesy and geoinformatics that has been going on for several years.