SCERIN-7 Capacity Building Workshop
In the period from 24-26. of June, 2019, Novi Sad has been the host for SCERIN (The South, Central and East European Regional Information Network) workshop. One of the coorganizers has been Geoinformatics Laboratory from the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Participants from different European countries and USA had the opportunity to take part in discussions and workshops on the subject of Land Cover dynamics in the Agricultural and Protected Natural Areas in the SCERIN domain. The objectives of SCERIN are to inform the participants about major ongoing scientific efforts and projects, as well as possible contribution and follow-up activities of the SCERIN participants, outline progress on the SCERIN validation activities and foster new ideas for joint papers by participants.
SCERIN is one of the regional networks of the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) panel of the Global Terrestrial Observing System program for observations, modeling, and analysis to support sustainable development. SCERIN is an informal network of scientists and other professionals based in the region or with scientific interests in the SCERIN area. The SCERIN geographic domain encompasses Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Danube watershed and western Black Sea coast. SCERIN contributes to GOFC-GOLD and had strong linkages with the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI), as well as the North Eurasia’s Future Initiative (NEFI) under the auspices of Future Earth. which are programs of internationally supported Earth System Science research. It is an informal network of remote sensing (RS) scientists and professionals based in the region or with scientific interests in the region.
SCERIN´s overarching goal is to improve the methods for monitoring the dynamics,stability and vulnerability of the major regional ecosystems for future effective sustainable management and preservation, not only on the local but also regional andpan-European levels. SCERIN focuses on the Danube watershed and western Black Seacoast, which include the territories of Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, CzechRepublic, Greece, Hungary, Moldova, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia,Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, and other neighboring countries. The network strives to ensurecontinuity and collaboration between the scientists, professionals and existing RS networksin the region.
More about SCERIN-7 can be found on the following link.