Doors Open Day
The Faculty of Technical Sciences, on May 18, 2019. celebrate his 59th birthday. Faculty opened his doors to high school students who are interested in studying at the biggest faculty in Serbia. Students had the opportunity to hear information about study programs they could enroll in school 2019/2020 year as well as information on admission exams, statistics of previous years, and other important issues. After the presentation, the students in the “Mašinac” Club talked with the students of our Faculty with all the interesting topics related to the studies at the Faculty of Technical Sciences.
On this occasion, a laboratory for geoinformatics was presented to students. Interested pupils visited Laboratory facilities with laboratory assistants, where they heard useful information about the laboratory, the areas that the laboratory deals with and the courses on the study program. Additionally, students had the opportunity to see instruments that Laboartory has and attend a practical demonstration of the use of these instruments.